Will Donations

Consider creating a lasting impact at Robert College by including the school in your will. You can choose from a variety of assets to fund your gift, including securities, trusts, real estate, business interests, retirement plans, insurance policies, or cash. A charitable bequest is a profound way to ensure your legacy continues for generations.

IRA Charitable Rollover

For individuals aged 70½ or older, up to $100,000 can be donated directly from an IRA to a qualified charity like the Robert College Foundation (EIN: 31-1704938) without incurring income taxes on the distribution. Should you still need to fulfill your required minimum distribution for the year, your IRA charitable rollover can count towards meeting this requirement.

Benefits of Giving This Way

For guidance on will donations, IRA charitable rollovers or other planned giving methods, our IA Team is happy to provide you with general information. We recommend consulting with your tax advisor or financial planner to learn how these methods of giving might provide you with potential tax savings.

To discuss planned giving options, please contact RC Institutional Advancement Office in Istanbul or New York, alumni@robcol.k12.tr or nyoffice@robertcollege.org.